pm & pmo standard delivery

APPSAT PM & PMO Standards to Deliver Complex Project

APPSAT PM & PMO Standard to Deliver Complex Project


One of our client want to refresh it's global telecommunication system in 350 different sites across world.

Corp is funding the project in most of the location, in some location local BU. PM & Architecture team identified the technology and devices to be deployed, setting budget and timelines complete. Other dependency are identified. Carried out Risk assessment and identified the backup plan.


The project is not simple as it looks. There are lot of factors like real estate department want some site to be deployed/relocated/decommission in very short notice, Call Center dependency on current PBX, retaining the existing numbers, vendor availability, compliance, resource availability, procurement, delay in device delivery, Risk management and many more…..

APPSAT Strategy

Customer agreed on Timelines, standards and approach. All process and standards are documented. Categorizing the location based on the business. In this project most of the PM has to on multiple process simultaneously which is very complex. Some time we applied waterfall method and some time agile scrum master methods.

• Our first priority is to migrate the Call Center to cloud or another server as per the business requirements.
• Identifying the stake holders, vendors & resource of each location.
• scheduling meetings and information gathering.
• BOM preparing, Procuring, PO releasing and delivery follow-ups.
• Identifying risk and backup plan.
• Devise delivery, staging and configuring.
• Raising service request and change request, allocation of resource to each process.
• Approval for downtime for testing. Documenting lesson learned.
• Submitting test result and request for risk approvals.
• Scheduling cutover date, engaging all stakeholders.
• Day 1 support, local IT training and document handover.
• Project closer.


On time delivery with accurate results, cost saving and 99% success rate. Global Telecommunication refresh was successfully delivered on time