Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23

Capacity Planning
Business intelligence and reports.

Resource Management -

Minimize project resource costs significantly

Improving effective/billable resource utilization

Bridge the capacity vs. demand gap proactively

Monitor and improve organization health index

Resource scheduling -

Resource scheduling involves identifying and allocating resources for a specific period to different project tasks. These tasks can be anything from billable, non-billable, or BAU work.

Resource utilization can be measured in terms of -

Overall resource utilization

Billable utilization

Strategic utilization

Non-billable utilization

Resource Managers can proactively mobilize resources from non-billable to billable/ strategic tasks and maximize their billable utilization.

Resource forecasting -

Mobilize the resources to billable tasks from non-billable or BAU activities.

Ensure effective bench management

Bridge the capacity and demand gap

Resource and capacity planning -

Resource planning is the comprehensive process of planning, forecasting, allocating, and utilizing the workforce most efficiently and intelligently. Resource capacity planning is an undertaking to analyze and bridge the capacity and demand gap well ahead of the curve.

Business intelligence and reports -

Business intelligence provides actionable insights by performing extensive data analysis. Using real-time data, individualized reports, and dashboards on important resource management metrics are generated. These reports strengthen the managers’ decision-making abilities and allow them to monitor the overall resource health index.

Other Features:

✔ Identify the overall priority of each project to support the scheduling of higher priority projects.

✔ Illustrate when the department will have the capacity to take on the project, and which employees will be available to work on it.

✔ Shift project timelines and assigned roles.

✔ Create multiple scenarios to illustrate a number of options.

✔ Display capacity and demand on a shifting, real-time schedule.

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