Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23


We maintain the discovery and inventory of hardware including PCs, laptops, printers, copiers, and any other device used for IT and data management purposes.


Digital data is very sensitive information. We maintain the assets by tracking of photos, videos, and digital data, including scanned hard copies.


Perhaps one of the most confusing and arduous IT asset management areas, due to compliance issues, licensing requirements, Shadow IT (IT being installed and/or used without IT management knowledge), and IoT (the Internet of Things – Smart TVs, smart appliances, even toys). This area of ITAM is one that must be diligently followed, constantly reviewed, and must be fluid to meet the demands of the business, its leadership, and the changing market.


While it would seem that managing the Cloud would be like harnessing the wind, IT asset management of Cloud components is actually achievable and secure. Use of the Cloud may eliminate the need for other hardware (servers) and software (licensing issues), not only saving you money, but keeping data more accessible at all times.


Also a complicated ITAM task, mobile device and data use include not only efficient applicability but also adequate security measures. Mobile devices are used more and more in the field, regardless of the industry you are in. With that in mind, they are also the most vulnerable to Shadow IT. If your employees start downloading apps, even if the app is beneficial and can benefit the company, it should be reviewed and approved by the IT management director or team based on the firm IT policies in place.


Asset Discovery
Policy and Process
Metrics and Reporting


✔ Increased efficiency in project management
✔ Better data security
✔ Improved software compliance
✔ Better communication between business units (i.e. sales, marketing, accounts payable, front line staff)
✔ Improved customer service through streamlined data availability
✔ Cost reduction of IT assets through consistent review
✔ Streamlined budgeting process and decision-making through increased understanding of IT assets and their role in the company

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